With the advent of the BANI era, the global economy is so complicated, and “the only constant is change.” Faced with a series of uncertainties, we are exploring and moving forward simultaneously. More and more enterprises choose a globalized layout, and YAJOY is one of them. Perhaps we’re not the largest in scale, but we possess the most resolute strides, the boldest determination, and the clearest resolve. Since its establishment, the company has aimed to step beyond borders and venture into the world—a goal that has always been in our journal.

     History has chosen us, and we will eventually leave a significant mark in history. After more than three months of preparation and field investigation, we have selected the industrial cluster in Bac Giang City, Bac Giang Province, Vietnam, as our “home”. It’s also where our dream in Vietnam begin. August 28, 2023, holds special significance for the YAJOY.

     At 10:00am, Gao Hua, chairman of YAJOY, led the senior leaders of the group to gather in the conference room to witness the historic moment of signing. Despite being thousands of miles apart, the representative of the Vietnamese, deputy general manager Ms. He Hongyun, joined online. Through screens, they greeted each other, and what was transmitted wasn’t just images but also trust and sincerity spanning rivers and nations. After the host explained the signing process, Ms. He faced the camera, signed her name, and the contract was sealed by the staff. The contract was then scanned and sent back to YAJOY. At 10:30am, Mr. Gao, under the gaze of the camera and representatives of the company’s employees, made a sacred stroke—a stroke that symbolized the group’s determination to step beyond borders and embrace the world. We finally achieved periodic victory today.

Ahead of us lie even greater challenges:

  1. Self-challenge:

“In the near future, the Vietnamese factory will officially commence operations. After that, various departments of the group will face the deployment of cross-border work plans. This is no small challenge for all department heads, requiring continuous improvement of their professional abilities,” Chairman Gao Hua said. “Our greatest challenge comes from self-challenges.”

  1. Technological challenge:

Vietnam is our first step in venturing beyond borders to secure a favorable position. However, to sustain growth, we must break through barriers and engage in extensive development. This means ongoing research and development, surpassing technological hurdles, not just content with the present, but pushing towards a higher value chain, forging our irreplaceability.

    With favorable winds and daring spirits, forging ahead through challenges, all YAJOY members unwaveringly embrace the creed: “Only the Great Elegance, Exceptional.” We believe the group will ultimately face the winds and waves, move forward with determination, and create brilliance!

      We are ready!